Outdoor Activities For 2-Year-Olds – Activities For Toddlers

Outdoor Activities For 2-Year-Olds

Outdoor activities are an important part of a toddler’s development. They allow children to play, explore and learn in a natural environment. Not only are outdoor activities fun, but they also provide many learning opportunities.

Toddlers should be encouraged to play outside, especially during the warmer months.

The following games can be played at home or in the backyard:

  • Nature walk
  • Collecting rocks and leaves
  • Picking flowers or berries
  • Building sand castles
  • Playing with water (puddles, sprinklers)
  • Going on short walks (2 blocks)

Here are some outdoor activities you can do with your toddler:

  • Take them for a walk in the park or play on the swings
  • Play Frisbee or catch with them
  • Go on a hike, take them for a walk through nature trails, or explore parks and forests nearby
  • Visit local farms and pet animals like chickens, cows, etc. This will help your toddler learn about farm animals and how they live too!

What Should Be The Outdoor Activities For 2 and 3 Years Old?

Outdoor activities for 2 and 3 years old children are fun, entertaining, and educational. They develop their motor skills, help them learn about the environment, and allow them to interact with other children.

Here are some ideas for outdoor activities:

Play at the park

Play at the park

The park is a great place to play with your child. You can go on the swings, slide down, or sit on a bench and discuss the day’s events. Take snacks and water with you, so you don’t have to worry about running back into your house when hunger strikes!

Go for walks in your neighborhood

Go for walks in your neighborhood

Toddlers love walking around their neighborhood because it gives them a sense of independence and exploration that they may not get anywhere else in their lives yet. Be sure to look down at their level often, so they don’t step in anything dangerous like glass or dog poop!

Play in water

Play in water

Children love being in the water, so provide them with small pools or large buckets of water to splash around and have fun.

Go on a nature walk

Go on a nature walk

Take your child on a nature walk and teach him about plants, animals, and other elements of nature. You can also encourage him to collect rocks or flowers that interest him during your walks.

Go on bike rides together

Go on bike rides together

Bikes are great toys for toddlers because they are light enough for little ones to ride but sturdy enough to be ridden outside without falling apart too easily. Going on bike rides together will help your child develop physical fitness while having fun at the same time!

Camping or Hiking

Camping or Hiking

Take them camping or hiking in some beautiful place near where you live. If you’re going camping or hiking in some beautiful place near you, ensure there will be other kids there, too, so your child won’t feel lonely or left out when everyone else is having fun together!

Walking on grass and dirt paths: This is great for sensory exploration. It will allow them to feel the grass under their feet, smell the flowers, see the birds in flight, etc.

Play in the sand

Play in the sand

With a sandbox, they will love playing with sand! They can build castles with it or dig holes and fill them up again. The possibilities are endless!

Tumbling mat

Tumbling mat

Tumbling mats are wonderful because they allow kids to play safely while enjoying their imagination. They can also practice balancing skills while doing gymnastics moves such as handstands and cartwheels.

Visit a Farm

Visit a Farm

Farms are a great place for kids to explore and have fun. There are many farms in your area where you can take your child to visit. This will help them learn about animals, plants, food, etc. The farm staffs are also very friendly, and they would love to talk to your child and answer any questions they might have regarding the farm animals or plants they grow there.

Visit an Aquarium Or A Zoo

Visit an Aquarium Or A Zoo

Zoos are great places where children can see different kinds of animals from all over the world! They will also get a chance to learn about these creatures by interacting with them – feeding them or touching them, etc.; it’s an experience that will leave them wanting more!

Play ball

Play ball

There are many different kinds of balls that you can purchase at any toy store. Balls are great because they help develop hand-eye coordination and encourage physical activity. If you have a ball pit at home, use it! A ball pit is an excellent way to entertain toddlers and give them plenty of exercises.

Go On An Adventure

Go On An Adventure

Plenty of amazing places within driving distance from your home will provide hours of exploration for your child and family alike — even if there aren’t many other people around! Head to a park with hiking trails or take them camping in the backyard so they can see what it’s like “out there” in nature.



Play hide-and-seek in bushes and trees (if they’re safe). This works best if other children are around so that everyone stays within sight of each other and doesn’t get lost!

Roll Down Hills

Roll Down Hills

Roll down hills together (on a mat if needed), then back up again! Your child will love this game no matter how old he is!

Go Swimming

Go Swimming

Swimming is another great way to exercise while having fun with your child. It can also be a good bonding experience if you go as a family. If you don’t have access to a pool, there are other ways to swim with your kids, like splashing around in the bathtub or taking them to the beach or lake.

Go On A Bike Ride Together

Go On A Bike Ride Together

Riding bikes together is a great exercise for both parents and kids (plus it gets rid of some energy after a long day). You can also take turns riding your child’s bike, which will help them feel more confident about riding independently.

If your child is too young to pedal, you can always push him around the block or take the bike for a walk. Just make sure he’s securely strapped into his seat (and wear a helmet yourself!).

If your son or daughter loves to run around, try making up a game of tag — make sure you’re in an open space where there aren’t any obstacles they could run into while chasing after each other!

Have Fun At The Beach

Have Fun At The Beach

Pack up a picnic lunch to enjoy at the beach, then let your toddler play in the sand as long as he wants (until he gets tired!). If you want to go swimming, bring a bathing suit so he can splash around in the water without getting chilly.

Go Fishing

Go Fishing

This can be tricky with young kids because they’re not likely to catch anything unless there’s bait involved — but they’ll still have fun reeling in their line, putting their fishing pole down when they get tired, and waiting for something to happen that isn’t going to happen anytime soon (like a fish).

Roller Skating Rink

Roller Skating Rink

Roller skating rinks allow kids to go fast without worrying about cars or other dangers of riding bikes or skateboards. You can rent skates at most rinks or bring your pair if you have an extra pair lying around at home that you don’t use anymore (or buy them new if you don’t).

Swimming Pool

Swimming Pool

Swimming is a great way for toddlers to stay active and have fun in the water. Most pools have swim lessons for kids to get comfortable and learn how to swim under supervision. If your local pool doesn’t offer lessons, there are many online resources for teaching parents how to teach their kids how to swim.

Bounce House

Bounce House

Bounce houses are some of the best things ever invented for keeping kids entertained, but they also provide an excellent aerobic workout. All you need is some space outdoors, a little sunshine, and a bounce house!

Bowling Alley

Bowling Alley

Bowling alleys are a lot of fun for kids of all ages, but they can be especially entertaining for 2-year-old boys who love balls and throwing things around. If your child doesn’t like bowling, don’t worry — plenty of other games are available at bowling alleys too!

Water-Based Outdoor Activities For 2 Years Old And 3 Years Old

Water-based outdoor activities for 2- and 3 years old are a great way to get kids active while they have fun. Water play is an excellent way to develop young children’s problem-solving, motor coordination, and social skills.

Try these activity places for water fun with your child:

Water-based outdoor activities for 2- and 3 years old are a great way to get kids active while they have fun. Water play is an excellent way to develop young children’s problem-solving, motor coordination, and social skills.

Outdoor Water Activity Places for 2 years old and 3 years old

Water play can be a lot of fun for toddlers. Try these activities with your child:

Wading pool

Roll Down Hills

A wading pool makes it easy for toddlers to splash around and get used to the wet sensation. Use this time to play games like “I spy” or “Marco Polo” with your child or encourage pretend play like washing the dishes or bathing each other.

Water park

Water park

Water parks are a great way to introduce young children to water without worrying about them falling into deep water or getting knocked over by waves from other swimmers. This environment also makes it easier for parents to monitor their kids and ensure everyone stays safe.



A beach is a natural place for children to enjoy playing in the sand and splashing around in the ocean waves. Just ensure you stay close by to help your child if necessary.

Swimming pool

Children love splashing around in swimming pools, and it’s an excellent way to stay cool on hot summer days. It would help to always supervise your child in a pool or near water, as accidents can happen quickly.

Outdoor Water Activity for 2 years old and 3 years old

2-year-olds can be introduced to the water by learning how to splash and play in a safe, shallow pool. They will enjoy splashing around, dipping their feet into the water, or being sprayed by a hose.

3-year-olds can be introduced to swimming in a pool with an adult present. They may not be able to swim independently at this age, but they can get used to being in the water with an adult nearby.

What is The Best Water Activity For 2 Year Old?

Water Pool Activity In Your Yard For 2 Years Old And 3 Years Old

Before you start this activity, ensure your child is comfortable with water. If they are afraid of water, try to familiarize them with it at home by having a bath together.

You need:

  • A shallow pool of water.
  • Water guns or buckets filled with water
  • A towel and a change of clothes for each child (if needed).

What to do:

Get your children ready with their bathing suits and towels. They can wear hats too if they like!

Wet their feet in the pool or puddle (make sure it is safe) while they are getting ready. Then let them splash around in the water with their hands or whatever toys you have! You can even throw some balls into the pool for them if you like (make sure they don’t swallow them).

Water Activities For 2 Years Old And 3 Years Old

Water Play

This is a great activity for any age! It’s also a good way to keep kids cool on hot days when temperatures are high. All you need is a shallow pool of water and some toys that float in the pool. You can make a pool by filling buckets, plastic storage bins, or wading pools with water from the hose or sprinkler. Add fun items like boats, boats, or other floating toys, and let the fun begin!

Wash Cloths

Wash Cloths

Toddlers love playing with wet washcloths and sponges. They feel very cool on hot days and are easy to hold onto! Get two washcloths or sponges (one for each hand) and let your little one explore how wet they feel when splashed with water from a spray bottle.

Duck, Duck, Goose

Duck, duck, goose is a fun game that puts kids on their feet and gets them moving around as they try to catch each other! This game requires no equipment other than some space where you can easily move around without bumping into things or hurting yourself!

Water Balloon Toss

Water Balloon Toss

Water balloon toss is another fun game that can be played indoors or out. To make your own balloons, fill them with water, tie off the end, and then add food coloring to each one so your child can recognize his balloon when it comes flying back at him!

Water Table

Water Table

A water table is an excellent toy for toddlers because it allows them to splash around safely in their own space without getting too wet or dirty (or ruining your furniture!). A large plastic tub filled with water and sand makes an excellent addition to any backyard play area; make sure there are no sharp objects nearby that could cause injury if stepped on by accident!



The sandbox is a classic outdoor activity for 2-year-olds and 3-year-olds. If you have a wooden sandbox, you can use it as an obstacle course by laying down cushions, blankets, or pillows to make a path through the sand. This can be a fun game of hide and seek or a way to get your child used to walk in the sand.

Sandbox activities also include digging in the sand with shovels or pails. You may want to give your child some toys they can dig up with these tools; plastic dinosaurs or worms would be great choices!

Bubble Snakes

Bubble Snakes

This classic bubble trick is great for fine motor skills, but it also teaches cause and effect. Blow one end of the bubble snake into a wand and watch your toddler try to pop it! If you want something even more challenging than blowing bubbles yourself, try blowing through a straw instead (just be careful not to blow too hard).

Aqua Limbo

Aqua Limbo

This activity is simple but effective! This activity aims to see how low you can go on your tippy toes without falling in! You can use water from any source; however, we recommend using shallow water or water about knee height so that your child isn’t submerged in water at all times (this could be dangerous).

Build a “water wall”

Build a "water wall"

The simplest way to make a water wall is to take a container, fill it with water, then put it in front of some barrier (such as a fence or hedge). The kids can splash at the water behind the barrier but won’t get soaked.

Frozen tiny toy excavation

Frozen tiny toy excavation

You can create an ice rink by filling your patio or driveway with water. Then let the kids go wild with frozen toys such as ice skates, skis, pucks, and hockey sticks. They can skate on their own or compete against each other in games like hockey or figure skating competitions. If you want to keep things simple without putting down plastic sheeting or clear ice cubes everywhere, get some cheap plastic bags filled with water and freeze them overnight!

How To Play Water Games For 2 Years Old And 3 Years Old?

Water gun target practice

Water gun target practice

This is a great activity for toddlers who are just starting to learn about cause and effect. It’s also a great way to get them started with water play.

You’ll need A large bucket of water, a few plastic spoons, and some balloons.

How to play: Fill up the bucket with water (enough so that it doesn’t spill easily), and put the spoons inside. Brainstorm ideas with your child on using the spoons to get the balloons into the bucket. You can also experiment by putting different types of items in the bucket to see which ones float best or sink fastest!

Water Transfer With Pipettes

Water Transfer With Pipettes

This activity is ideal if you want your toddler to explore water but don’t have any toys that allow them to manipulate it easily—such as a water table or sensory bin with small objects inside.

What you’ll need: Two plastic pipettes (or straws) per child, two cups per child filled with water (enough so that it doesn’t spill easily), and some small objects like marbles or colored rocks that fit inside the pipettes (but not too large).

How to play: Have your child fill the pipette with water from one of the cups. Then have him place an object inside and transfer it to another cup without spilling it. Try using different objects in different sizes and see which ones work best!


What can 2 kids play outside at 2, 3, and 4 Years old?

What can 2 kids play outside

Water play – If there are 2 or more kids, they will love to play together with water during the summers. You only need to teach them the ways of playing. They can fill a bucket or a large bowl with water and add some toys to splash around. You can also use this time to teach them how to use a cup and pour water into it using both hands.

Drawing – Creativity can come quickly in the minds of a group, and they start loving to be an artist. While doing competitions with each other, kids make incredible drawings. You only need to provide them with paints and paper out in the yard and let them draw whatever they want to. This is also a good way to teach them colors too!

Playing with balls will be fun for all three age groups. As they can pass it around between themselves and even kick it around if they wish to!

How do you mentally stimulate a 2-year-old?

2-year-olds are curious, eager to learn, and have many questions. They’re also developing their fine motor skills and learning to use them more complexly.

Here are some ideas for helping your 2-year-old learn and grow:

  1. Read aloud every day. Reading to your child is one of the best ways to develop their language skills, but it’s also fun! Make reading time special by having your child pick out their favorite books or take turns reading different kinds of books together.
  2. Learn through play. Playing is fun for any age, but children must learn how to play independently and with other kids. You can help by giving them age-appropriate toys that encourage creative thinking, like building blocks or dolls that can be dressed up however your child wants them dressed up!
  3. Let them explore their surroundings without worrying about getting dirty or breaking things. Toddlers love going outside because it allows them to run outside without being tied down by shoes or pants (and maybe even shirts!). Let them go barefoot in the grass, run in puddles or even chase birds! Just make sure they stay

What keeps a 2-year-old busy?

The things that they are interested in can keep them occupied for hours! Just give them a chance to explore and play, and you will see what I mean!

Do 2 year-olds get bored easily?

Yes! If you remember being just a toddler, you probably remember getting bored easily and constantly needing something new to do. And while this trait may seem frustrating now, it’s a sign of healthy development! Two-year-olds need to explore the world around them, learn new things, and practice skills for their brains to develop properly.

What can a 2-year-old do socially?

Two year olds love playing with other children their age and adults who engage with them and treat them like people rather than babies! They love playing games with social interaction involved, such as hide-and-seek or peekaboo (but only when it’s not too dark!).

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