Breastfed babies’ poop can smell like rotten eggs. This is completely normal, and your baby isn’t sick.
It’s not just breastfed babies who have smelly poop. Formula-fed babies can also have stinky poop, which has nothing to do with what they’re eating. The bad odor is because breast milk contains many beneficial nutrients for your baby’s health, including iron, vitamin D, and protein. But these same ingredients can smell unpleasant breast milk when it comes out the other end of your baby’s digestive system.
The extra iron in breast milk gives it a greenish color — even before it turns brown after exposure to air — which might make you think something is wrong with your baby’s stool. But if you look closely, you’ll see no hard lumps or mucus in the stool; there’s nothing wrong with how your baby digests food and no reason to worry about constipation or diarrhea.
What Are The Reasons Of Breastfed Babies Poop Smells Like Rotten Eggs Or Sulpher?
There are many benefits of breastfeeding, but there might be some disadvantages too. One of the biggest disadvantages is that breastfed babies tend to have smelly poop.
This problem occurs because breastmilk contains lactose, which can cause diarrhea and gas in babies who aren’t yet able to digest it properly.
The smell might be unpleasant for you, but it won’t hurt your baby if he has no other symptoms like fever or bloody stool (which may mean he has an infection).
Breastfed baby’s poop smells like rotten eggs or sulfur because of some underlying reasons such as:
Lactose Intolerance
It is the most common reason for this type of problem. Suppose your baby is suffering from lactose intolerance. In that case, they cannot digest lactose properly, so they pass stinky poop with an unpleasant odor after every feed. It might be due to lactose intolerance if you notice symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation, and bad-smelling poop. In such cases, it is better to consult a pediatrician so that they can prescribe some medications for this condition to make your baby feel better soon enough.
Bacterial infection
A bacterial infection in a breastfed baby can cause their poop to have a foul smell, including a smell that resembles rotten eggs. Bacterial infections can disrupt the natural balance of bacteria in the digestive system, leading to changes in the odor, consistency, and color of the baby’s poop.
Some common signs of a bacterial infection in a breastfed baby include fever, lethargy, irritability, vomiting, and diarrhea. If you suspect your baby has a bacterial infection, it is important to seek medical attention promptly. Your healthcare provider can evaluate your baby’s symptoms and determine the best course of treatment, which may include antibiotics or other medications.
Your Baby’s Diet Has Changed
If you recently changed your baby’s diet, her poop may smell foul. Changing the formula or introducing solid foods can change the smell of your baby’s bowel movements. If you recently added a new food to your baby’s diet, this could be causing stinky poop.
Your Baby Has A Stomach Bug Or Infection
If your baby has a stomach bug or infection, this can cause their poops to smell bad. The most common cause of stomach bugs in babies is rotavirus, which causes diarrhea and vomiting in children under five. Other causes include E. coli, salmonella, and other viruses like norovirus and hepatitis A. If your baby has any of these infections, their stool will likely be foul-smelling.
Smelly breastfed baby poop is due to malabsorption caused by the infection or food intolerance. This means that the food your baby eats isn’t being absorbed properly into his body, which can cause diarrhea and thus lead to smelly breastfed baby poop.
Why Does Stool Matter, And What Is Its Color In Newborn Breastfed Babies?
The stool is an important indicator of overall health and digestive function. The waste product is excreted from the digestive system after the body has absorbed the nutrients it needs from food. The color, consistency, and frequency of stool can provide valuable information about the health of the digestive system and other organs in the body.
In breastfed babies, stool color can vary depending on age and diet. During the first few days after birth, babies may pass meconium, a dark, tar-like substance consisting of mucus, amniotic fluid, and other material ingested in the womb. After a few days, the stool should transition to a yellowish, seedy consistency.
Color Of Newborn Breastfed Baby’s Stool
The yellowish color of breastfed baby’s stool is due to bilirubin, a waste product produced when red blood cells are broken down. Breastfed babies tend to have lighter-colored stools than formula-fed babies because breast milk is more easily digested and absorbed, resulting in fewer waste products in the stool.
Indicator Of Stool Color
It is important to note that changes in stool color or consistency can indicate a problem, such as an infection or an allergy. Parents should consult a healthcare provider if they notice any significant changes in their baby’s stool, such as a sudden shift to green, black, or white stools, or if their baby shows signs of distress, such as vomiting or diarrhea.
Is it normal for a baby’s poop to smell like eggs?
No, it is not normal for a baby’s poop to smell like eggs. The smell of a baby’s poop is usually mild and relatively unremarkable, although it can vary depending on various factors such as diet, health, and age.
What should breastfed baby poop smell like?
Breastfed baby poop typically has a mild or sweet odor and is not usually strong or foul-smelling. Breast milk is easily digestible and doesn’t contain the same types of proteins and fats as formula, which can lead to more pungent-smelling stools. Breastfed baby poop may have a slightly sour smell due to lactic acid, a byproduct of lactose fermentation in breast milk by gut bacteria.
The consistency and color of breastfed baby poop can also vary depending on the age of the baby and its digestive system. Breastfed babies may pass meconium during the first few days after birth, a dark, sticky, tar-like substance. As the baby’s digestive system begins to function properly, the color and consistency of the poop should change to a yellowish, seedy consistency.
It is important to note any sudden changes in the color or odor of your baby’s poop. If your baby shows signs of distress, such as vomiting or diarrhea, it is important to contact your pediatrician for guidance. These changes could indicate a problem, such as an infection or an allergy, and may require medical attention.
Don’t Panic With The Smell Of Your Baby’s Poop
Of course, every baby is different. If your breastfed baby poops once in a diaper and you find yourself elbow-deep in an aroma like rotten eggs, it does not necessarily cause alarm. However, it could be a symptom of something more serious like infant botulism. Don’t hesitate to contact your pediatrician if you are concerned about the odor of your breastfed baby’s poop or if you notice any other concerning changes to their health.